1. Mutable and Immutable objects.
2. Tell about Oracle Architecture.
3. How will the select query will be executed internally and process of execution.
4. In which form the data will be stored in the Database.
5. What are Singleton objects give some examples.
6. Difference between String class and StringBuffer class.
7. Difference between truncate and delete.
8. Difference between HashTable and HashMap.
9. What is Schema?
10. What is the use of commit?
11. Difference between Servlets and JavaBeans.
12. What are Kernel Variables?
13. What is Deadlock?
14. Data Encapsulation.
15. Difference between Primary Key and Foreign key.
16. Difference between class and structures.
17. Disadvantages of Java/Oops.
18. Difference between ArrayList and Vector.
19. Can we declare static methods, blocks and variables in super class as well as subclass.
20. What is an Applet and Applet Lifecycle method?
21. Difference between Applet and Servlets.
22. Servlet Lifecycle methods.
23. How to package backup in Database.
24. Is there any method mustInherited() in java.
25. What are struts and its use?
26. Difference between Servlets and struts?
27. What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding.
28. What is an event and event delegation model.